Wednesday, 28 January 2009
New library books and theses acquisitions
The ape and the sushi master: cultural reflections by a primatologist, by Frans de Waal. New York, NY: Basic Books; 2001. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFU (327) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Design for a life: how behaviour develops, by Patrick Bateson and Paul Martin. London: Vintage; 1999. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFU (253) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Discovering fossil fishes, by John G. Maisey. Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 2000. Balfour Library shelfmark: V.12 (6) (Overnight Loan shelves)
The evolution of artiodactyls, edited by Donald R. Prothero and Scott E. Foss. Baltimore, MA: The John Hopkins University Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelfmark: YG.12 (1) (New Books shelf)
The greater flamingo, by Alan Johnson and Frank Cezilly. London: T. & A. D. Poyser; 2007. Balfour Library shelfmark: KH (9) (New Books shelf)
Insect taste, edited by Philip L. Newland, Matthew Cobb, Frederic Marion-Poll. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: Q.5 (82) (New Books shelf)
The natural history of Madagascar, edited by Steven M. Goodman and Jonathan P. Benstead. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press; 2003. Balfour Library shelfmark: FY (48) (New Books shelf)
New theses:
Parental food calling at passerine nests, by Helen C. Withers. University of Cambridge; 2008. Thesis (455)
Structural homeostasis during dendritic arbor development, by Marco Tripodi. University of Cambridge; 2008. Thesis (453)
Studies of the modulation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate signalling by presenelins in Caenorhabditis elegans, by Helen Sarah Peterkin. University of Cambridge; 2008. Thesis (454)
Systematics and biogeography of Palearctic avifauna: evolution, hybridisation and secondary contact zones, by Mansour Aliabadian. University of Amsterdam; 2007. Thesis (452)
Oxford Language Dictionaries Online: Chinese and Russian
The University Library has subscribed to two new titles in the Oxford Language Dictionaries Online collection: Chinese and Russian. Access is available at without passwords. For access off-campus, follow the link on the Dictionaries home page to 'Login via your Home Institution'.
For users of Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox Oxford Language Dictionaries offer a neat set of tools to embed the dictionaries in your browser, either by adding individual dictionaries into the browser's search menu or installing a tool bar. For details and downloads see:
New e-books collection
Through an ebooks@cambridge subscription access is available to 250 ebooks in the Routledge Taylor & Francis collection at
The ebooks cover a wide range of subjects including Archaeology and Anthropology, Economics, Education, Geography and Environmental Studies, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology.
Access on campus is available without passwords. Off-campus access is being arranged and the ebooks will be loaded shortly into the Newton catalogues.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
University Library screencasts released
The screencasts web page can be accessed from
Give them a go!
Intute: Health and Life Sciences - new resources added
More than 500 brand new web resources have been added to the biological sciences heading on Intute: Health and Life Sciences. This a free online service providing you with access to the very best web resources for education and research, evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists. There are over 33,000 resource descriptions listed here that are freely accessible for keyword searching or browsing.
Go to to find out more.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
New e-journal
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL is described by its editors as an innotaving peer-reviewed online journal for the biomedical, life and environmental sciences. It is a pioneer of "Open Choice" publication, which gives authors an option to publish with Open Access. Over 1,000 articles have been published to date. Subject clusters include BioMedicine, Neuroscience, Neurology & Psychiatry, Cell Biology & Cancer, and the Environment.
Access is available at
New reference e-book
This comprehensive eBook includes the complete text of the 18-volume original Dictionary of Scientific Biography, published by Charles Scribner's Sons, plus the New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, to form the online equivalent of a 26-volume reference source containing biographies of mathematicians and natural scientists from all countries and from all historical periods.
Available at both on and off campus (requires Raven password off-campus). Follow the link to Gale Virtual Reference Library => Science
- Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography
Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
Monday, 12 January 2009
University Library Research Skills Programme
The University Library's research skills timetable for Lent term 2009 is now available online at
'Introduction to the library' - we are running tours of the library regularly throughout term.
We have several new hands-on electronic resources sessions this term:
'How to find things on your reading list'
'How to do a literature search'
'How to manage your references'
Please book for all of these at as soon as possible as places are limited.
There will also be weekly drop-in sessions for help with electronic resources - please just turn up at the IT Training Room any Tuesday afternoon in term time (1:30pm to 4:00pm) and we can answer your individual questions or give individual training on using our electronic resources. You can also book a one-to-one tutorial on using electronic resources by email at
Change to library opening hours from January
Due to the university's recent harmonization of staff working hours exercise, the Balfour Library will now close at 4:30pm on Fridays instead of 5:00pm, from Monday 5th January 2009.
This means that the PCs and photocopiers will be switched off 30 minutes earlier on Fridays, and the Library Office will be locked 30 minutes earlier. We don't anticipate that this will affect you too much; for NST Part II Zoology and Neuroscience undergraduates there are PCs and a photocopier in your common room on the second floor of the department, and most of the resources in the Library Office are duplicated elsewhere in the department (except for critical review and project examples).
You will still be able to access the library 24/7 using your University Card, if eligible.
For reference, the library's opening hours will be as follows:
Full term - Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, Saturday 9:15am to 12:30pm
Vacation - Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm