Monday, 21 March 2011

Disruption in the library next week

A new carpet is being fitted in the domed study area of the library only, during the whole week beginning Monday 28th March. *NOT like the one in the photo!

All the desks in this area of the library will be dismantled and moved out of the way, the existing carpet tiles will be removed, the new tiles will be laid, and then the desks can be re-assembled.

This will obviously generate some noise and disruption in this area of the library, which will be closed off to readers. In addition, some of the bays where PCs are located may also be unavailable as we need to store all the library furniture somewhere while the carpeting takes place. If you need any books or journals from areas that have been closed off, please ask a member of library staff for assistance; do not fetch things yourself.

The other room in the library, where the photocopiers are located, will still be available for use however. Library staff should be able to minimise any noise reaching this area of the library. You will still be able to plug in your laptops there, and to use the Lapwing wireless connection, and the scanner and photocopiers there will remain operational. Alternative PCs are available in the 2nd Floor Computing Room (cardholders only)

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

New acquisitions

New books:

Principles of social evolution, by Andrew F. G. Bourke. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (327i-iii) (2 x Overnight Loan shelves, 1 x Open Shelves)

Tropical montane cloud forests: science for conservation and management, by L. A. Bruijnzeel, F. N. Scatena, L. S. Hamilton. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GHI (10)

New theses:

An assessment of the performance of Africa's protected areas, by Ian Duncan Craigie. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (494) (Library Office)

Effects of climate, agricultural changes and conservation measures on the lesser kestrel, by Ines Catry. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (496) (Library Office)

Embryonic development of the olfactory system in Drosophila melanogaster, by Laura Lucia Prieto Godino. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (495) (Library Office)

Scientific American online

Scientific American online has now been purchased by the University as part of a package from its new publisher, the Nature Publishing Group.

Previously online access was only via EBSCOhost Business Source Complete, a more business type database, which requires you to search specific words etc. to access the content.

Now that Scientific American is published by Nature it looks like any other online journal and so should me much easier and more interesting to search and download articles from. Access to the full text is available to the past 48 months' worth of content.

Full text online access to the journal content from 1846-1869 is also now available, as provided by Cornell University Library.

All of this content is accessible via ejournals@cambridge at:

Balfour Library end of term information

Here's a breakdown of information about borrowing arrangements, how to access e-journals from 'off-campus', and opening times for the Balfour Library during the Easter vacation and term.

We wish you a very Happy Easter!

Best wishes,

Clair & Jane

End of term

Lent Term 2011 ends on Friday 18th March. All books on loan from the Balfour Library must be returned by this date, or can be renewed for further periods unless they have been requested by another reader. Saturday morning opening has now finished until next term.

Non-undergraduates: Remember that you will be able to borrow books that are normally for Overnight Loan for an extended period of 2 weeks at a time during vacations.

Please remember that you should not take books away from Cambridge, especially if you are going on field work or on business trips for example - please return any books you have on loan from us first so that they are readily available for other readers.

Please see the library website at: for more information on how to borrow, return and renew books on loan from the Balfour Library.

Vacation borrowing for undergraduates

This academic year we are trialling the vacation borrowing of books for the Christmas and Easter vacations.

This means that undergraduates will be able to take a maximum of two books away from Cambridge, which must be returned by midnight on the first day of the Easter Term (Tuesday 26th April). This applies to Overnight Loan and Open Shelf books.

Undergraduates can borrow books for the vacation period from 8:45am on Friday 18th March. This is on a strictly first-come, first served basis. You may not reserve books before borrowing them.

Please see the library website at: for more information on how to borrow, return and renew books on loan from the Balfour Library.

How to access online resources when you are away from Cambridge (and you are still a valid member of the University)

The recommended route for accessing ejournals provided by the University remotely is as follows:
  • Go to the ejournals@cambridge website at:
  • Enter the title of the journal you need (if it does not appear then there is no online subscription to it)
  • Click on the 'find journals by title' button
  • When you click on the name of the journal the Raven login box should appear
  • Enter your Raven userid and password and click on the 'Submit' button
  • You should then be taken to the host page for that journal and you can find the article(s) you need from there
  • (You only need to enter the Raven login once per session so you won't have to keep logging in and out each time you need a different journal)
You may well be able to get the full text of ejournal articles through searching PubMed or Google / GoogleScholar for example, but sometimes you may not necessarily be recognised as being a valid member of the University of Cambridge (it uses IP addresses of computers to identify you). You may therefore sometimes be asked for payment for the full text of an article or be prevented from accessing it, even when a subscription to the ejournal has been paid for by the University. The recommended route as above should guarantee you the access you are entitled to.

It is strongly recommended that you check the ejournals@cambridge website as above to see whether you will actually be able to access particular online journals remotely BEFORE you leave Cambridge. See also the eresources@cambridge website at: for access to particular databases. See the 'Access Route' link next to the journal or database title to check this. Some online journals are not accessible outside of the University network so you may wish to download or print off articles from these before you leave Cambridge.

Raven passwords

If you do not currently have a Raven password and think you may need one to access the Web of Knowledge or Scopus databases (to search scientific literature) or online journals and databases when you are away from Cambridge, you should apply for one following the instructions given on the University Computing Service 'How do I get a Raven password?' website at: This page will also help you if you have lost your Raven password.

Troubleshooting ejournals access

Finally, if you are having trouble accessing ejournals and eresources remotely using your Raven password please see the guidance provided on the Central Science Library's 'Raven FAQs' website at:

Easter period closing dates

The Balfour Library will close for Easter at 5:00pm on Thursday 21st April and will re-open at 8:30am on Tuesday 26th April. The library will be open as usual throughout the Easter Vacation however, see our opening hours at

Other Bank Holidays in the Easter Term 2011

We are always open as usual on both of the May Bank Holidays that fall in the Easter Term. We will also be open on the additional Royal Wedding Bank Holiday this year, Friday 29th April.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Science Communication Conference, booking now open

The annual two-day Science Communication Conference addresses the key issues facing science communicators in the UK and brings together people involved in public engagement.

Click here for more details and for booking:

Digital Researcher 2011

The British Library and Vitae ran the Digital Researcher 2011 conference in February to help researchers make the most of new technologies in their research.

In case you were unable to attend, there is a very useful blog with postings relating to the conference. The most interesting posts I think are as follows:
  • Using Twitter at academic conferences
  • Social media: a guide for researchers
  • 10 ways to promote an academic article that you've just published
  • Using social media to support your career
  • Tips for academic blogging
  • CiteULike and other social citation tools
  • Getting started on Twitter
  • Some examples of researchers' blogs
  • Social networking software for researchers
The blog can be found at: Slides for some of the presentations given at the conference can be found via the Digital Researcher Virtual Attendance link on the same page.

Top 45 Zoology and Zoo Blogs

This blog has been included in the Top 45 Zoology and Zoo Blogs compiled by Veterinarian

Veterinarian Technician is a nonprofit online resource created to explain to students their options and some of the advantages and disadvantages of getting an vet tech degree.

This blog is featured at no.2 on the Zoology Posts list category. Other blog categories include:
  • Zoologists, written by and for zoologists
  • Zoo Blogs, city zoo blogs
  • Wildlife, wildlife parks blogs
Check out the fascinating and educational blogs on this list for yourself at:

Zetoc - electronic table of contents - pdf leaflet available to download

Zetoc provides access to the British Library's electronic table of contents (ETOC) covering over 20,000 current journals and including more than 2 million conference papers and reports. Where agreed, journals from Open Access publishers (e.g. BioMed Central) are included.

It includes an email alert facility to keep you up-to-date with the latest articles in your field of research. RSS feeds are also available for journal titles.

Abstracts are available (for records added from mid-2009) for those journals where there is an agreement in place between the British Library and the journal publisher. Zetoc also provides links to full text where available in Cambridge.

Click here to see the leaflet advertising Zetoc:

Directory of HPS-related (History and Philosophy of Science) special collections in the University of Cambridge

This directory indicates the locations of key HPS-related special collections (rare books/manuscripts/papers) of the University of Cambridge.

Its purpose is to assist researchers in negotiating the many different ways in which Cambridge collections are described/catalogued (or not catalogued). Rather than an exhaustive catalogue, it simply provides a starting point for researchers, enabling them to browse the vast range of HPS-related library materials that exist in Cambridge.

You can search the directory by keyword, or browse the collections by library, personal name or by subject.

The website can be found at: It was created by the Whipple Librarian, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, with the help of other librarians in the University of Cambridge.