Tuesday, 9 December 2008

New library website

I have re-designed the library website in the new university style, see http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/library/index.html.

I have updated and re-organised existing content, and added new content, in particular the "Undergraduate resources" and "Special Collections" pages. I have included photos wherever I can, and hopefully the home page is much more inviting and informative, especially with the "Library news" links to this blog. "Quick links" will take you directly to useful websites. I will be developing the website further to include more new content in future. Your comments are most welcome!

Christmas period closing dates

The Balfour Library will be closed from Thursday 25th December 2008 and will re-open on Monday 5th January 2009.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

Clair & Jane

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Wireless internet access at the CSL

The Central Science Library can now provide wireless access to the internet via the University Lapwing wireless service. The access point is in the main reading room on the 2nd floor but you may find that can get a connection elsewhere in the building.

This is service is available to all current members of the University via RAVEN.

Non University members, alumni or anyone who does not have a RAVEN account can still use the wireless service by creating a Lapwing ticket.

See http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/CSL/wireless.htm for more details.