New books purchased by the Balfour Library:Animal behavior: an evolutionary approach, 9th ed., by John Alcock. Sunderland, MA.: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (102i1-2) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Baboon metaphysics: the evolution of a social mind, by Dorothy L. Cheney and robert M. Seyforth. Chicago, IL.: The University of Chicago Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: YX.7 (1)
The better to eat you with: fear in the animal world, by Joel Berger. Chicago, IL.: The University of Chicago Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (336)
Biological anthropology: the natural history of humankind, 2nd ed., by Craig Stanford, John S. Allen and Susan C. Anton. Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson Education International, Inc.; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: qYYV (3b) (Overnight Loan shelves)
A biologist's guide to mathematical modeling in ecology and evolution, by Sarah P. Otto and Troy Day. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: EBA (32)
Biology of plants, 7th ed., by Peter H. Raven, Ray F. evert and Susan E. Eichhorn. New York, NY.: W. H. Freeman and Company Publishers; 2005. Balfour Library shelf mark: qFA (5g) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Birds in counties: an ornithological bibliography for the counties of England, Wales & Scotland, the Isle of Man & the Channel Islands. Second supplement: errata, corrigenda et addenda and a new section on Ireland, by David K. Ballance. Minehead: Published by the author; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: K.2 (18iii)
Collins buttefly guide, by Tom Tolman, illustrated by Richard Lewington. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: QNB (39)
The dictionary of cell and molecular biology, 4th ed., by J. M. Lackie. Burlington, MA.: Academic Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: EC (304d)
The emerald planet: how plants changed Earth's history, by David Beerling. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: FA (55) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Encyclopedia of insects, 2nd ed., editors Vincent H. Resh and Ring T. Carde. Burlington, MA.: Academic Press; 2009.Balfour Library shelf mark: Q (86b)
The essential difference, by Simon Baron-Cohen. London: Penguin Books; 2003. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFE (59i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Evolution: the first four billion years, edited by Michael Ruse and Joseph Travis, with a foreword by Edward O. Wilson. Cambridge, MA.: the Balknap Press of Harvard University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: EO (320)
The evolution of animal communication: reliability and deception insignaling systems, by William A. Searcy and Stephen Nowicki. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press; 2005. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (334i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
The evolution of plants, by K. J. Willis and J. C. McElwain. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press; 2002. Balfour Library shelf mark: FA (56) (Overnight Loan shelves)
The evolutionary biology of plants, by Karl J. Niklas. Chicago, IL.: The University of Chicago Press; 1997. Balfour Library shelf mark: FA (54) (Overnight Loan shelves)
A field guide to the birds of eastern Africa, by Ber van Perlo. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: KZ.6 (25)
A field guide to the birds of Mexico, by Ber van Perlo. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: KZ.72 (17)
A field guide to the birds of South America, by Jorge R. Rodriguez Mata, Franciso Erize and Maurice Rumboll. Illustrations by Jorge R. Rodriguez Mata. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2006. Balfour Library shelf mark: KZ.8 (30)
A field guide to the birds of southern Africa, by Ber van Perlo. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: KZ.6 (24)
A field guide to the birds of the Palearctic: passerines. Text and illustrations by Norman Arlott. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: K (229)
A field guide to the birds of the Palearctic: non-passerines. Text and illustrations by Norman Arlott. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: K (228)
Field guide to the dragonflies and damselflies of Great Britain and Ireland, rev. ed., general editor Steve Brooks, illustrated by Richard Lewington. Gillingham, Dorset: British Wildlife Publishing; 1997. Balfour Library shelf mark: QC (18)
Field guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland, by Paul Waring and Martin Townsend. Illustrated by Richard Lewington. Gillingham, Dorset: British Wildlife Publishing; 2003. Balfour Library shelf mark: QNA (23)
A field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain and Europe, 2nd ed., by E. Nicholas Arnold, illustrated by Denys W. Ovendon. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 2002. Balfour Library shelf mark: WZ.4 (2b)
Gorilla society: conflict, compromise, and cooperation between the sexes, by Alexander H. Harcourt and Kelly J. Stewart. Chicago, IL.; The University of Chicago Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: YYP.7 (1ii)
Handbook of the mammals of the world. Volume 1: Carnivores. Chief editors Don E. Wilson and Russell A. Mittermeier. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: qY (19)
Introduction to ecological biochemistry, 4th ed., by J. B. Harborne. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 1993. Balfour Library shelf mark: GG (166d) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Introduction to physical anthropology, 11th ed., by Robert Jurmain, LynnKilgore, Wenda Trevathan, with Russell L. Ciochon. Belmont, CA.: Thomson Wadsworth; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: qYYV (4k) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Invertebrate vision, edited by Eric Warrant and Dan-Eric Nilsson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2006. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFS (40ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Life in the undergrowth, by David Attenborough. London: BBC Books; 2005. Balfour Library shelf mark: L (44i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Lizards in an evolutionary tree: ecology and adaptive radiation of anoles, by Jonathan B. Losos. Berkeley, CA.: University of California Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: WQ (8)
Macachiavellian intelligence: how rhesus macaques and humans have conquered the world, by Dario Maestripieri. Chicago, IL.; University of Chicago; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: YXV.7 (3)
The maladapted mind: classic readings in evolutionary psychopathology, edited by Simon Baron-Cohen. Hove: Psychology Press; 1997. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (332i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Mammals of Britain and Europe, by David MacDonald and Priscilla Barrett. London: Harpercollins Publishers; 1993. Balfour Library shelf mark: YZ.4 (8)
Manipulative monkeys: the capuchins of Lomas Barbudal, by Susan Perry with Joseph H. Manson. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: YXS.7 (1)
Mismatch: why our world no longer fits our bodies, by Peter Gluckman and Mark Harrison. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006. Balfour Library shelf mark: GG (288i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
The mismeasure of man, by Stephen Jay Gould. Revised and expanded. New York, NY.: W. W. Norton & Co.; 1981. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (333i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Mountain gorillas: biology, conservation, and coexistence, by Gene Eckhart and Annete Lanjouw. Baltimore, MD.; The John Hopkins University Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: YYP (4)
Neural networks and animal behavior, by Magnus Enquist and Stefano Ghirlanda. Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press; 2005. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (335i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Neuroscience of birdsong, edited by H. Philip Zeigler and Peter Marler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: K.7 (41i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Orangutans: geographic variation in behavioral ecology and conservation, edited by Serge A. Wich ... [et al.]. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: YY (6)
Pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, edited by Mark P. Mattson. Tatawa, NJ.: Humana Press; 2001. Balfour Library shelf mark: GF (230) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Perspectives in animal phylogeny and evolution, by Alessandro Minelli. New York, NY.: Oxford University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: EO (321)
Plant life, by Roland Ennos and Elizabeth Sheffield. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 2000. Balfour Library shelf mark: FA (57) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Primate behavioral ecology, 3rd ed., by Karen B. Strier. Boston, MA: Pearson and Allyn and Bacon; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: YW.7 (33ci-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Principles of animal behavior, 2nd ed., by Lee Alan Dugatkin. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: qGFU (11bi-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Principles of biochemistry, 3rd ed., by Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet and Charlotte W. Pratt. [?]: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2008. Balfour Library shelf mark: qEH (8ci-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Reproductive skew in vertebrates: proximate and ultimate causes, edited by Reinmar Hager and Clara B. Jones. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: UU.5 (7)
Sexual coercion in primates and humans: an evolutionary perspective on male agression against females, edited by Martin N. Muller and Richard W. Wrangham. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: Y.7 (9)
Spiders of Britain and northern Europe, by Michael J. Roberts. Ilustrated by the author. London: HarperCollins Publishers; 1996. Balfour Library shelf mark: R (7ii)
Statistical and data handling skills in biology, 2nd. ed., by Roland Ennos. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: EBB (88b)
Sustainable energy - without the hot air, by David J. C. Mackay. Cambridge: UIT; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: GGW (213i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
The unnatural history of the sea: the past and future of humanity and fishing, by Callum Roberts. London: Gaia; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: VZ (42i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Why evolution is true, by Jerry A. Coyne. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: EO (319i-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves)
Theses:Ant community structure in a rain forest microcosm, by Tom Fayle. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: Thesis (462)