From the beginning of July until the end of September, the Central Science Library (CSL), will be conducting a free trial of a new Document Scanning Service for current staff and students of the University. The service will be used for material that is not currently available electronically. This includes articles from journals and chapters from books.
The CSL will scan on request and email out the document, as an A4-sized PDF, within a 24-hour period.
Users of the service should be aware that the CSL operates within the restrictions of the Copyright Act. This means that under UK law the CSL will only be able to provide, for the purposes of private study or research for non-commercial purpose, the following:
a) one article from any one issue of a journal or periodical
b) one chapter or 5% of extracts from a published work.
To make use of this service please send the details via this form <>.
At the end of the trial the CSL will review the service and look to assessing the long-term sustainability of the Document Scanning Service.