Monday, 7 September 2009

New trial e-resource - Reaxys

A trial has been arranged to the new reaction searching and synthesis planning tool for chemists, Reaxys. The trial starts 1 September and ends 31 October 2009 and can be accessed at the URL:

Reaxys is based on the combined content of the Beilstein, Gmelin and Patent Chemistry databases. Access to the Beilstein and Gmelin databases is currently via the CrossFire service. In 2010, CrossFire will be replaced by the new interface Reaxys.

A webinar describing navigation of the Reaxys interface to the databases can be accessed at any time by registration by any individual in writing to: Some hard copies of the quick reference guide will be available from the Chemical Engineering and Rayleigh Libraries in due course. Alternatively you can access the Reaxys Training centre at: to download copies of the guide and other materials and demos.