Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Your chance to win £500 - The Rose Book-Collecting Prize

Attention student book-collectors!

The Rose Book-Collecting Prize

Your chance to win £500

You can enter any type of collection provided it is solely owned by you and has been collected by you. The books do not have to be especially valuable - a collection of paperbacks, put together with imagination, is equally eligible. The contest is open to all current undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Cambridge.

The closing date for entries is the first day of Lent Full Term:

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Full details of how to enter are given on the University Library website at

Book-Collecting Workshop, Friday 20 November, 2:30, Morison Room, University Library

This year there will also be a very informal workshop on book-collecting in the Michaelmas Term. So if you're thinking of entering for the Rose Book-Collecting Prize, or are just interested to learn more, do come along to explore what makes a collection, how to get started, what to look for when you buy a book etc. The workshop will be led by some of the adjudicators of the Prize, as well as last year's winner.

All welcome!

For further information, please contact Jill Whitelock (; 01223 765691).