New book:
NP201 Admiralty Tide Tables, Volume 1, 2011: United Kingdom and Ireland, including European channel ports, by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Taunton: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: D.13 (10) (Reference shelves)
New book series:
Meiofauna marina: biodiversity, morphology and ecology of small benthic organisms. Volume 18. June 2010. Munich: Verlag Dr Friedrich Pfeil; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: GHN (129xviii)
New book donation:
Field guide to the birds of Peru, by Thomas S. Schulenberg ... [et al.]. London: Christopher Helm; 2007. Balfour Library Shelfmark: KZ.8 (31)
New theses:
Colour, carotenoids and the evolution of parental care, by Rose Thorogood. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (480) (Library Office)
Land use, food production, and the future of tropical forest species in Ghana, by Benjamin Timothy Phalan. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (483) (Library Office)
Mechanisms, ecology and evolution of prey capture by Nepenthes pitcher plants, by Ulrike Bauer. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (482) (Library Office)
Re-thinking the species-area relationship for conservation, by Tiffany Lauren Bogich. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (479) (Library Office)
Social conflict resolution in groups of the angelfish Centropyge bicolor, by Tzo Zen Ang. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (481) (Library Office)
Sociality, social learning and individual differences in rooks, jackdaws and Eurasian jays, by Ira Gil Federspiel. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (484) (Library Office)
The life history of brood parasites: co-evolutionary constraints and competitive begging, by Martina Boerner. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library Shelfmark: Thesis (478) (Library Office)