"We've just released our new programme of resource discovery workshops at the Wellcome Library. To see what's on, check our list of workshops here: http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/workshops
The workshops provide introductions to research and information resources at the Library, and are aimed at the general public. Perhaps you, your colleagues or your users would be interested in:
- thematic workshops such as Science in the News, Medicine and Literature and the History of medicine on the internet;
- training on specific resources such as PubMed Central, and Web of Science;
- and introductions to the Archives & Manuscripts collections,
and the Wellcome Images digital image database.
All workshops are free and available to members of the Library (library membership is free and open to all).
To book a place on any of the workshops, please use the online booking facility on the library web site: http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/workshops"