Monday, 31 October 2011

New acquisitions

New books

Admiralty Tide Tables. Volume 1, 2012, United Kingdom and Ireland including European Channel Ports. Published by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Balfour Library shelfmark: D.13 (10). (Reference shelves).

Avoiding attack: the evolutionary ecology of crypsis, warning signals, and mimcry, by Graeme D. Ruxton, Thomas N. Sherratt, and Michael P. Speed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2004. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGT (20ii). (Overnight Loan shelves).

The biology of lakes and ponds, 2nd ed., by Christer Bronmark and Lars-Anders Hansson. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2005. Balfour Library shelfmark: GHM (115bi-ii). (Overnight Loan shelves).

Elements of evolutionary genetics, by Brian Charlesworth and Deborah Charlesworth. Greenwood Village, CO: Roberts and Company Publishers; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: EN (185). 

Evolution: the extended synthesis, edited by Massimo Pigliucci and Gerd B. Miller. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (332i-iii). (2 x Overnight Loan shelves). 

Handbook to the construction and use of insect collection and rearing devices: a guide for teachers with suggested classroom applications, by Gregory S. Paulson. Dordrecht: Springer; 2005. Balfour Library shelfmark: Q.10 (14).

Important bird areas [in the] Americas: priority sites for biodiversity conservation. Senior editors Christian Devenish ... [et al.]. Quito, Ecuador: BirdLife International; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: qKZ.7 (22) (Quarto, Large Size shelves).

An introduction to behavioral endocrinology, 4th ed., by Randy J. Nelson. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: GEK (53d). (Overnight Loan shelves).

Livestock in a changing landscape. Volume 1: drivers, consequences, and responses, edited by Henning Steinfeld ... [et al.]. Washington, DC: Island Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGZ (38i).

Livestock in a changing landscape. Volume 2: experiences and regional perspectives, edited by Pierre Gerber ... [et al.]. Washington, DC: Island Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGZ (38ii).

Monitoring forest biodiversity: improving conservation through ecologically responsible management, by Toby Gardner. London: Earthscan; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GHH (11).

Nature's versatile engine: insect flight muscle inside and out, by Jim O. Vigoreaux. New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media; 2006. Balfour Library shelfmark: Q.5 (92).

Population genetics for animal conservation, edited by Giorgio Bertorelle ... [et al.]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGW (217).

Sensory evolution on the threshold: adaptations in secondarily aquatic vertebrates, edited by J. G. M. Thewissen and Sirpa Nummela. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelfmark: UU (32).


Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: understanding the life of giants, edited by Naomi Klein ... [et al.]. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: WY (11).

Insect ecology: behaviour, populations and communities, 3rd ed., by Peter W. Price ... [et al.]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: Q.8 (20c).

New flora of the British Isles, 3rd ed., by Clive Stace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: FA (41c).

Spider silk: evolution and 400 million years of spinning, waiting, snagging, and mating, by Leslie Brunetta and Catherine L. Craig. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: R (8).

Collins New Naturalist series

I've been catching up with purchasing the books in this series that are of relevance to zoology and related disciplines:

Badger, by Timothy J. Roper. London: Collins; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: YOM (3).

Bird migration, by Ian Newton. London: Collins; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: K.8 (64).

Climate and weather, by John A. Kington. London: Collins; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GI (28).

Dragonflies, by Philip S. Corbet and Stephen J. Brooks, with many colour photographs by Robert Thompson. London: Collins; 2008. Balfour Library shelfmark: QC (19).

Grouse: the natural history of British and Irish species, by Adam Watson and Robert Moss. London: Collins; 2008. Balfour Library shelfmark: KK (17).

Plant pests: a natural history of pests of farms and gardens, by David J. Alford. London: Collins; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: QZ (27).

Wildfowl, by David Cabot. London: Collins; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: KI (12).

Balfour Library Conservation Project - What's been eating that book? Update...

I recently blogged about a book that was found during the volunteers' cleaning that appeared to have been nibbled at by a deathwatch beetle larva. 

Our conservator has since advised that, due to the sheer size of the holes, she doesn't think the damage was caused by a beetle larva but probably by a slug or snail! It's definitely not rodent damage either, as that would have sharp, serrated edges.

I don't know how they would have got inside the book; maybe it was left open for a while and the slug or snail decided to stop on its travels to have a munch?!

Self-service photography at the University Library (UL)

Self-service photography of authorised material in the Manuscripts, Maps and Rare Books reading rooms of the University Library has been a permanent service for readers since May, following a successful trial earlier in the year. 
It is now also possible for readers to take photographs of material in the open stacks and of authorised material in the Anderson Room, East Asian Reading Room, Commonwealth Room, Reading Room and West Room, on a trial basis. Photographs may be taken for non-commercial research or private study only. General  photography (e.g. of people, locations, reading rooms) is not permitted.

Full guidelines are available at

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Mobile interfaces, devices and apps for accessing library and information resources

Here are some ways that you can use your mobile phone to access library and information resources via special mobile interfaces, devices or apps to help you do your research on the go.

To access e-books on your mobile phone / Kindle ...

All the e-books the university buys can be read onscreen but at present many of our suppliers do not offer licence agreements that permit texts to be downloaded, mainly because of the need to renegotiate agreements with publishers, authors, and rights holders of illustrations etc. Exceptions to this include: chapters from books on the Cambridge Books Online and Oxford Scholarship Online platforms which can be downloaded in PDF format to e-readers including the Kindle; chapters from the Royal Society of Chemistry platform, and the STAT!Ref medical books which are optimized for delivery on mobile devices.

For more information please visit the ebooks@cambridge website 

To search PubMed on your iPhone or Android phone ...

PubMed on Tap / PubMed on Tap Lite enable you to search PubMed from your iPhone while you're out and about. The Lite version is free but only lets you view 10 abstracts from any search. The full version can be downloaded for £1.79 from the iTunes App Store.

PubMed Mobile and PubMed Mobile Pro allow Android users to search PubMed from their phone.  PubMed Mobile is free. PubMed Mobile Pro costs £1.86 and offers a bit more functionality. Download them from Android Market.

PubMed also has a mobile interface

[Some of this information was mentioned in the excellent document 'A guide to accessing information via your mobile phone', written by Lynsey Hawker, NHS Liaison Support Librarian, St George's, University of London]. 

To search the university's online catalogue, LibrarySearch, via your mobile phone ...

CamLib is the mobile interface for Cambridge libraries, available at CamLib has been tested with iPhone, iPod Touch and Android devices. Find out more about what you can use it for here:

The UCAM Library Search app for iPhones has been developed by a Cambridge PhD student. It's available for free from the Apple iTunes App Store

If you've found any other really useful mobile web interfaces or apps please let me know and I can mention them in a blogpost here.

The Libraries Directory has a new look!

Photo courtesy of libraries@cambridge
The Libraries Directory has a new look!

The newly designed interface uses the new University style, and is enhanced by the incorporation of images from the libraries@cambridge Flickr stream ( as well as from those contributed by libraries.

You can use the Directory to find out the opening hours, locations (with maps), contact details, stock and service information of all the libraries in the University. It is searchable and you can also find out what libraries cover which subject via the Subject List link.

Helpful tip: when searching for a book on the online catalogue, LibrarySearch, click on the details of the book and scroll down the screen to see which libraries hold the book. Next to the library name is an 'i' icon - click on this and you will be brought to the library's entry on the Library Directory.

Changes to University Library borrowing for University staff (and info for visiting scholars)

From 1 August 2011, all staff employed by the University of Cambridge will now be eligible to borrow ten books for a loan period of up to eight weeks from the main University Library. 
Staff visiting the Library should bring their blue University Card to the Entrance Hall desk, where staff will check your record to ensure the new allowances are enabled, and will be happy to help with any questions about using the Library and borrowing from the collections.

Academics and scholars who are officially visiting the University but do not hold a degree from the University of Cambridge will be able to borrow five books for eight weeks, as before. This also applies to staff members employed by Cambridge Colleges and by institutions affiliated to the University. Such staff members should wait until they have received their blue University ID cards before coming to the University Library. 
If staff are not to be issued University ID cards, they will need to bring alternative photo ID (e.g. driver's licence or passport) to the University Library Admissions Office. All applicants in this category will need to provide a completed 5.4 form, available here:

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

New acquisitions

New books purchased 

Bats: from evolution to conservation, 2nd ed., by John D. Altringham, drawings by Tom McOwat and Lucy Hammond. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: YV (10bi-ii). 

Biochemistry, 7th ed., by Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, and Lubert Stryer, with Gregory J. Gatto. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman and Company; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: EH (50gi-iii). 

Biological anthropology: the natural history of humankind, 3rd ed., by Craig Stanford, John S. Allen, and Susan C. Anton. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson; 2013. Balfour Library shelfmark: qYYV (3ci-ii).

Development of the nervous system, 3rd ed., by Dan H. Sanes, Thomas A. Reh, and William A. Harris. Burlington, MA: Elsevier: Academic Press; 2012. GF (216ci-iii).

Ecology, 2nd ed., by Michael L. Cain, William D. Bowman and Sally D. Hacker. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: GG (272bi-ii). 

Evolution: a developmental approach, by Wallace Arthur. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (331i-iii).

Evolution since Darwin: the first 150 years, edited by Michael A. Bell ... [et al.]. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (330i-ii).

The geometry of evolution: adaptive landscapes and theoretical morphospaces, by George R. McGhee. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (329i-ii).

Handbook of the birds of the world. Volume 15: weavers to New World warblers, by Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott, and David Christie. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: qK (63).

How and why species multiply: the radiation of Darwin's finches, by Peter R. Grany and B. Rosemary Grant. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2008. Balfour Library shelfmark: KY (50i-ii).

How we live and why we die: the secret lives of cells, by Lewis Wolpert. London: Faber and Faber; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: EC (307i-ii).

Introduction to genetic analysis, international 10th ed., by Anthony J. Griffiths ... [et al.]. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman and Company; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: EN (131ji-ii).

The major transitions in evolution revisited, edited by Brett Calcott and Kim Sterelny. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (271b).

Physical anthropology: an introduction, [13th ed.], by Robert Jurmain ... [et al.]. [Belmont, CA]: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: qYYV (4mi-ii).

Plant ecology, 2nd ed., edited by Michael J. Crawley. Malden, MA: Blackwell Science Ltd.; 1997. Balfour Library shelfmark:GG (127bi-ii).

Plasticity, robustness, development and evolution, by Patrick Bateson and Peter Gluckman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EEB (75i,iii).

Principles of animal communication, 2nd ed., by Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFY (14bi-ii).

Principles of social evolution, by Andrew F. G. Bourke. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (327iv,v).

Sensory transduction, by Gordon L. Fain, with illustrations by Margery L. Fain. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFM (26ii-iii).

Vertebrates: comparative anatomy, function, evolution, 6th ed., by Kenneth V. Kardong. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: UU (26fi-iv).

The weather makers: our changing climate and what it means for life on earth, by Tim Flannery. London: Penguin Books; 2007. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGW (216i-iii).


Animal camouflage: mechanisms and function, edited by Martin Stevens and Sami Merilaita. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: GGT (22i-ii).

Bioelectrogenesis: a comparative survey of its mechanisms with particular emphasis on electric fishes, edited by Carlos Chagas and Antoni Paes de Carvahlo. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Company; 1961. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (3).

The cane toad: the history and ecology of a successful colonist, by Christopher Lever. Otley: Westbury Academic and Scientific Publishing; 2001. Balfour Library shelfmark: WJI (3).

Commentary on the effects of electricity on muscular motion, by Luigi Galvani. Translated into English by Margaret Glover Foley. Norwalk, CT: Burndy Library; 1953. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (7).

Descriptive catalogue of the physiological series in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Part I: surviving Hunterian specimens demonstrating those organs in plants and animals for the special purposes of the individual. Part II: Hunterian species demonstrating the products of generation together with surviving Hunterian specimens from other sections. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone; 1970-71. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (6i-ii).

A discourse on the torpedo, delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, November 30, 1774, by Sir John Pringle. London: Royal Society; 1775. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (4).

The electrical eel: or, Gymnotus electricus, by Adam Strong. A new edition, with considerable additions. London: [J. Bew]; 1777. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (5).

Das elektrische Organ des afrikanischen Zitterwelses (Malopterus electricus Lacepede), anatomisch Untersucht von Emil Ballowitz. Jena: Gustav Fischer; 1899. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (12).

Die elektrischen Fische: nach neuen Untersuchungen anatomisch-zoologisch dargestellt, von Gustav Fritsch. Erste Abtheilung: Malopterus electricus. Zweite Abtheilung: die Torpedineen. Leipzig: Verlag von Veit Comp.; 1887-1890. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (11i-ii).

Essai sur les phenomenes electriques des animaux, par Ch. Matteucci. Paris: Carilian-Goeury et Vr. Dalmont; 1840. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (1).

Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Part 2: sawfishes, guitarfishes, skates and rays, by Henry B. Bigelow and William C. Schroeder. New Haven , CT: Sears Foundation for Marine Research, Yale University; 1953. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (10ii).

The great auk, or garefowl (Alca impennis, Linn.): its history, archaeology, and remains, by Symington Grieve. London: Thomas C. Jack; 1885. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (8).

The natural history of the frog fish of Surinam, by Thomas Hutchinson. York: [G. Peacock]; 1796[?]. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (9).

Naturalised birds of the world, by Christopher Lever. London: T. & A. D. Poyser; 2005. Balfour Library shelfmark: K (230b).

The naturalized animals of Britain and Ireland, by Christopher Lever. London: New Holland Publishers; 2009. Balfour Library shelfmark: YZ.41 (9b).

Naturalized birds of the world, by Christopher Lever. Harlow: Longman Scientific and Technical; 1987. Balfour Library shelfmark: K (230).

Naturalized fishes of the world, by Christopher Lever. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; [1996]. Balfour Library shelfmark: V (30).

Naturalized reptiles and amphibians of the world, by Christopher Lever. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2003. Balfour Library shelfmark: W (27).

Plasticity, robustness, development and evolution, by Patrick Bateson and Peter Gluckman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: EEB (75ii).

They dined on eland: the story of the acclimatisation societies, by Christopher Lever. London: Quillar Press; 1993. Balfour Library shelfmark: G (57).

Traite des phenomenes electro-physiologiques des animaux. D'etudes anatomiques sur le systeme nerveux et sur l'organe electrique de la torpille. Paris: Fortin, Masson et Cie; 1844. Balfour Library shelfmark: Keynes (2).

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Research Skills Programme

The University Library's Research Skills Programme for the Michaelmas Term has now been launched.

Courses on the Programme are open to all members of research staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University. Sessions cover a wide range of subjects and skills, including:
  • Be The Boss of Your Hard Drive - Working With Digital Data
  • How To Avoid Plagiarism 
  • How To Do A Literature Search
  • How To Find Things on Your Reading List
  • IfM: Managing Your Information - A Workshop for First-year PhD Students
  • Referencing Without Tears
  • UL orientation tours
Some sessions will require advanced booking. For more information on the Programme and to make bookings, please visit:

Natural History Museum's first book for iPad, Audubon's Birds of America

Unfortunately the Balfour Library does not own a copy of John James Audubon's magnificent, 1m tall Birds of America, with 435 hand-painted plates illustrating American birds in their natural habitats, so you may be interested in the iPad or eBook version of a copy owned by the Natural History Museum (NHM).

A resized print edition of the work will also be launched by the NHM.

The NHM's art collection holds half a million artworks, representing all the great natural history artists. There are also over 1 million books, including some richly illustrated volumes of great historical significance.

Free research paper management software - Qiqqa

Do you download a lot of PDFs?  Need a way to manage and manipulate them effectively?

This new, free software features:
  • Document Management;
  • Annotation Reports - easily summarize large documents for review; 
  • Document Syncing - access your documents from anywhere;
  • Built-in brainstorming software to visualise your ideas -add links to referenced material, reshuffle, and zoom in;
  • Citation & bibliographies;
  • Designed for academics, by academic;
  • Interfacing with Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote etc.; 
  • iPhone,iPad, Android, and support for other mobile devices;
  • ... and much more.  
 Free research paper management software - Qiqqa