Staff visiting the Library should bring their blue University
Card to the Entrance Hall desk, where staff will check your record to ensure
the new allowances are enabled, and will be happy to help with any
questions about using the Library and borrowing from the collections.
Academics and scholars who are officially visiting the University but
do not hold a degree from the University of Cambridge will be able to
borrow five books for eight weeks, as before. This also applies to staff
members employed by Cambridge Colleges and by institutions affiliated to the University. Such staff members should wait until they have received their blue University ID cards before coming to the University Library.
If staff are not to be issued University ID cards, they will
need to bring alternative photo ID (e.g. driver's licence or passport) to
the University Library Admissions Office. All applicants in this category
will need to provide a completed 5.4 form, available here: