Friday, 9 December 2011
Borrowing books from the Balfour Library only possible during opening hours next week
The library management system, Voyager, is being upgraded throughout the whole of next week beginning Monday 12th December. This means that the self-issue system will not be available so books will have to be issued manually by library staff, during library opening hours only.
Due to library staff taking annual leave on various days throughout the week the Library Office may be unattended for short periods at times; in this case please come back later and do not remove books from the Library without speaking to a member of library staff first.
The online catalogues, Newton and LibrarySearch, will still be available during the downtime - click on this link to access the catalogue and for more details on how the downtime will affect the information displayed: You will still be able to access online journals as usual.
You will not be able to use the 'Library Account and Renewals' widget linked to from the Balfour Library website home page (under the Quick links menu), or from LibrarySearch, during the downtime - please ask a member of library staff for assistance with renewing books.
Please take all of this into account when planning your borrowing.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your assistance.
P.S. No book stamping actually required!