Thursday, 12 April 2012

New acquisitions

New books purchased 

Comparative hearing in insects, edited by Ronald R. Hoy, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag; 1998 Balfour Library shelfmark: Q.5 (78ii).

The evolution of sibling rivalry, by Douglas W. Mock and Geoffrey A. Parker. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1997. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFU (340i-iii) (2  copies on the Overnight Loan shelves, 1 copy on the Open Shelves).

Farmland birds across the world, edited by Wouter van den Weijden, Paul Terwan, and Adriaan Guldemond. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: qK.8 (5) (Quarto, large sized shelves).

Foraging behavior and ecology, edited by David W. Stephens, Joel S. Brown, and Ronald C. Ydenberg. Chicago, IL: London: The university of Chicago Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelfmark:GFU (339i-ii).

How humans evolved, 6th ed., by Robert Boyd, Jean B. Silk. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (278fi-ii) (Overnight Loan shelves).

An introduction to behavioural ecology, 4th ed., by Nicholas B. Davies, John R. Krebs and Stuart A. West. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: GFU (138di-v) (4 copies on the Overnight Loan shelves, 1 copy on the Open Shelves).

Making sense of evolution: the conceptual foundations of evolutionary biology, by Massimo Pigliucci and Jonathan Kaplan. Chicago, IL: London: The University of Chicago Press; 2006. Balfour Library shelfmark: EO (334).

Statistical theory and methods for evolutionary genomics, by Xun Gu. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011.  Balfour Library shelfmark: EN (186).

Statistics: an introduction using R, by Michael J. Crawley. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2005. Balfour Library shelfmark: EBB (80ii-iii).


The egg collectors of Great Britain & Ireland: a compilation of profiles of some 20th century egg collectors, by Andrew C. Cole and William M. Trobe. Leeds: Peregrine Books; 2000. Balfour Library shelfmark: K.9 (25a).

The egg collectors of Great Britain & Ireland. An update: a compilation of information additional to the original book published in 2000, by Andrew C. Cole and William M. Trobe. Leeds: Peregrine Books; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: K.9 (25b).

Riddle of the feathered dragons: hidden birds of China, by Alan Feduccia. New Haven, CT: London: Yale University Press; 2012.  Balfour Library shelfmark: K.12 (6).

Donations from Cambridge University Press

Evolutionary history of bats: fossils, molecules and morphology, edited by Gregg F. Gunnell and Nancy B. Simmons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: YV (15). 


Extraterritorial prospecting and territory defence in cooperatively breeding meerkats, by Rafael Mares. Cambridge; 2012. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (513). (Library Office).

Propagation for the conservation and applied use of freshwater mussels, by Holly Barclay. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (512). (Library Office).

Structure and function of the regulatory regions of pannier, a gene involved in the bristle patterning of Drosophilidae, by Richard Wallbank. Cambridge; 2011. Balfour Library shelfmark: Thesis (511). (Library Office).