Wednesday, 11 July 2012

New e-books in zoology

The Balfour Library has purchased some new e-books!

They are available via the online library catalogue, LibrarySearch Alternatively, I have provided direct URLs by the title of each book:

An introduction to behavioural ecology, 4th ed., by Nicholas B. Davies, John R. Krebs, and Stuart A. West.|eresources|70239

From DNA to diversity, 2nd ed., by Sean B. Carroll, Jennifer K. Grenier, and Scott D. Weatherbee.|eresources|70241

Reproductive skew in vertebrates, edited by Reinmar Hager and Clara B. Jones.|eresources|70242

The insects : an outline of entomology, 4th ed., by Penny J. Gullan and Peter S. Cranston.|eresources|70240

There is also a sticker on the front of the printed versions of the books to tell you that there is also an e-copy and how to access it - just like in the photo above!