A bibliography of Afrotropical birds, 1971-1990, compiled by R. J. Dowsett, C. H. Fry & F. Dowsett-Lemaire. Liege: Tauraco Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: qKZ.6 (50)
Butterflies of West Africa: Text and Plate volumes, by Torben B. Larsen. Stenstrup: Apollo Books; 2005. Balfour Library shelf mark: QNB (38i-ii)
Faune des poissons d'eaux douces et gaumatres de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Tomes 1 et 2 : The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa, volumes 1 and 2, by Didier Paugy, Christian Leveque and Guy G. Teugels. Paris: IRD, MNHN, MRAC; 2003. Balfour Library shelf mark: VZ.6 (25i-ii)
Modern applied statistics with S, 4th ed., by W. N. Venables and B. D. Ripley. New York: Springer; 2002. Balfour Library shelf mark: EBB (86d)
The birds of Pasvik, by E. I. Khlebosolov ... [et al.]. Ryazan: NP "Golos gubernii"; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: KZ.4 (5)
Important bird areas in Africa and associated islands: priority sites for conservation, edited by Lincoln D. Fishpool and Michael I. Evans. Cambridge: BirdLife International; 2001. Balfour Library shelf mark: qKZ.6 (48)
New books donated by Cambridge University Press:
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models, by Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: EBB (87)
Assessing the economic aspects of aquatic invasive species in Great Britain, by Matthew Paul Julius Oreska. (M.Phil.) Cambridge; 2009. Thesis (459)
Demographic analysis of the impact of conservation action on stone curlew populations, by Alison Johnston. (Ph.D.) Cambridge; 2009. Thesis (460)
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta) sentinel behaviour: variation in height and contribution, by Mico Tatalovic. (M.Phil.) Cambridge: 2008. Thesis (461)