Butterflies of Tanzania, by Jan Kielland. Melbourne, Vic.: Hill House; 1990. Balfour Library shelf mark: qQNB (9) (Quarto, large size book shelves)
Carcasson's African butterflies: an annotated catalogue of the Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea of the Afrotropical region, editors P. R. Ackery, C. R. Smith and R. I. Vane-Wright. East Melbourne, Vic.: CSIRO; 1995. Balfour Library shelf mark: qQNB (7) (Quarto, large-size book shelves)
Mothers and others: the evolutionary origins of mutual understanding, by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: GFU (337)
Pennington's butterflies of Southern Africa, 2nd ed., edited by E. L. L. Pringle, G. A. Henning and J. B. Ball. Cape Town: Struik Winchester; 2004. Balfour Library shelf mark: qQNB (8b) (Quarto, large size shelves)
Translational control in biology and medicine, 3rd ed., edited by Michael B. Mathews, Nahum Sonenberg, John W. B. Hershey. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2007. Balfour Library shelf mark: EM (83c)
A genetic analysis of cooperative breeding in the banded mongoose Mungos mungo, by Hazel J. Nichols. Cambridge; 2010. Balfour Library shelf mark: Thesis (477) (Library Office)
Cdc20 and its regulation during mitosis, by Mona Yekezare. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: Thesis (474) (Library Office)
Individual variation in cooperative behaviour in meerkats, by Sinead English. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: Thesis (476) (Library Office)
Offspring care and communication in the banded mongoose, by Bonnie Metherell. Cambridge; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: Thesis (475) (Balfour Library Office)
Book donations:
East African bat atlas, by Robert Kityo ... [et al.]. [Kampala]: Makerere University; University of Dar es Salaam; 2009. Balfour Library shelf mark: YV (14)
International zoo yearbook: volume 44, managing editor Fiona A. Fisken. London: Zoological Society of London; 2010. Balfour Library shelf mark: D.11 (54)