1. Using ejournals@cambridge
Just go to the A-Z list of journals available in Cambridge at the ejournals@cambridge website, http://camsfx.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/cambridge/az
Search for the journal title you need, and then click on the relevant host that has the full text coverage you want. You are now automatically routed to the journal website via a proxy server.
The Raven login window should appear. Enter your Raven ID and password, and the journal website will open.
You won't have to log in anywhere else on the journal website, and once you have logged in to Raven you will not be required to do so again for the length of your web browser session. This method only works via the ejournals@cambridge website however.
2. Using a search engine such as Google, or using a bookmark, with the new 'Off campus access bookmarklet'
This is a link you can add to your web browser's toolbar so that when you're on a journal page that should provide full text access under a Cambridge subscription, you can click on the toolbar to reload the page via the UL's proxy server. You may be prompted to login with a Raven username and password. Instructions are given on the 'Off campus access bookmarklet' website at http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/toolbox/bookmarklet.html
3. Reference management tools
You can also use the UL's proxy server and OpenURL link resolver (to check if full text is available for a resource) with EndNote and Zotero, to help you access the full text of resources. See the Reference Management Tools website at http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/toolbox/rmt.html