The redesigned Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) has now been launched.
Improvements have been made to the CJO site in consultation with the academic and library communities in four key areas: Appearance, Navigation, Ease of Use and Consistency.
Further new developments include individual journal homepages and the ability to post comments on FirstView articles, which are published online ahead of print.
To check out the new site go to:;jsessionid=DB311529E9F69E0806F6C67F6AD28CF8.tomcat1
This update is the first of three new functionality releases planned by CJO each year. Additional new improvements will be implemented in the next CJO release scheduled for December. Future planned improvements to the site include the introduction of faceted searching across CJO and Cambridge Books Online and the launch of CJOmobile (CJOm), optimized for smart phones and offering increased speed and convenience.