Monday, 27 September 2010

SciVerse - a new platform for Scopus and ScienceDirect

Elsevier have launched a new platform called SciVerse. ScienceDirect and Scopus are available on the new platform, and it is now possible to search across both platforms and web content from the Scirus scientific research web tool in a single search using the new SciVerse Hub.

The SciVerse Hub Beta is available at Search results are ranked by relevancy with no duplication, with a single click to link to documents in the results list. The new platform also provides for a single login to both products.

A short video is available to demonstrate the platform at

Future developments on the Sciverse platform include:

  • SciVerse SciTopics (due late 2010) is a dynamic, quick, informal-yet-authoritative online publication forum in which researchers can meet and share authoritative research summaries on a wide range of scientific topics.
  • SciVerse Applications (available in 2011) will be the place to find and market applications, or collaborate with the scientific community to create applications.