Monday, 16 May 2011

ebooks : downloading copies from the MyiLibrary platform

This information has been circulated by Sarah Stamford, ebooks@cambridge Project Manager:

The ebooks team has been advised that from Tuesday 12th April MyiLibrary will enable limited downloading of ebooks from their platform to library users. Downloading will be possible to devices which read pdfs, e.g. Sony e-reader, Barnes & Noble Nook. Apps are available (e.g. Bluefire) for the iPhone and iPad ( but note, not the Kindle). Users need to create a personal MyiLibrary account and to add Adobe Digital Editions to their device.

Two concurrent downloads will be permitted and the ebook will also remain accessible online as usual. Each download will last for a defined period (understood to be 14 days); readers can place holds and form a queue if both "copies" are "on loan".

MyiLibrary are "soft-launching" this feature and trialling it for the next 3 months. Further information will follow. In the meantime if you have any questions you can contact the ebooks@cambridge team at:

Find out more about ebooks@cambridge at: