The Balfour Library purchases each volume in both of these book series as they are published.
We are very sorry that the receipt of Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 15: Weavers to New World warblers was so delayed, but it is now available in the library. Vol. 16: Tanagers to New World blackbirds, is due to be published imminently and we will let you know when it has arrived in a New Acquisitions post on this blog. These vols. are kept in the Quarto (large size) section of the library, just inside the main doors, at shelfmark range qK (47-63). Vol. 16 will conclude this series.
Handbook of the Mammals of the World, vol. 2: Hoofed mammals, is now available in the library. This series is also kept in the Quarto section of the library, at shelfmark range qY (19-).
These vols. are for reference use only in the library.
For more information on these series, please see the publisher Lynx Edicions' website at: