Tuesday, 28 February 2012

New online book recommendation form

I would like to introduce the Balfour Library’s new online book recommendation form, which has kindly been created for me by the Clinical School Computing Service.

It is called ‘Recommend a book’ and it can be linked to from the ‘Quick links’ menu on the library website’s homepage at http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/library/index.html, or you may wish to bookmark the direct URL which is http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/library/form/pubform.php

I would just like to reiterate here that book recommendations are always welcome (from members of the Department of Zoology) - please do use the new online form to recommend books that you would like to see in the library. We really do want to develop our collections to make them as relevant and well-used as possible so please do keep recommending titles suitable for purchase!

Your feedback on this new form would be most welcome.