Trial access has been set up to JoVE by the Journal
Coordination Scheme and will run from Friday 24th February until Friday 9th
March 2012.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) is a journal
devoted to the publication of biological, medical, chemical and physical
research in a video format. Articles are peer reviewed, and content is indexed
by PubMed. JoVE is published in 6 sections. More information about coverage
within each section can be found in the attached file
To access the trial, visit the URLs below
Jove General
Jove Neuroscience
Jove Immunology and Infection
Jove Clinical and Translational Medicine
Jove Bioengineering
Jove basic protocols
This trial is available both on and off campus. Off
campus access is available via Raven logins, but user must use the links above.
Access via the ejournals@cambridge A-Z listing will be available shortly.
Please send all feedback on this trial resource to by Wednesday
14th March 2012.