I have created a new library website just for postgraduate students!
I have named it ‘Postgraduate resources’ and you can link to
it from the main library website’s homepage at http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/library/index.html,
or you may wish to bookmark the direct URL which is http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/library/pgrad.html.
There is also a ‘Quick link’ to it (as ‘Balfour & Newton Libraries’) from
the Department’s ‘Postgraduate Training’ website.
The left-hand menu provides links to relevant library
websites or resources that I consider would be most useful to you, including
the link to the new ‘Recommend a book’ website that the Clinical School
Computing Service kindly created for me. I have also included a link to this
form from the library homepage main menu. I would just like to reiterate here that book recommendations are always
welcome - please do use the new online form to recommend books that you
would like to see in the library!
At the top of the right-hand side of the website is a news
feed for the Balfour Library News Blog – if you click on news headlines there
you will be taken directly to the blog. I aim to update this on a regular basis
(and it would also be great if you could sign up to the blog to receive
automatic updates!). The blog is where I post all the important news regarding
new digital resources (such as citation management tools, mobile apps, new
e-books and journals), events, and new acquisitions, among many other things. I
put it all here rather than bombarding you all with ‘allzoo’ emails, so don’t
miss out!
Underneath this, there are ‘Quick links’ to other websites
of interest, including to the library’s ‘Undergraduate resources’ page, in case
you need more information about things as a supervisor.
In the main area of the website I have added the
LibrarySearch widget so you can search the library catalogues for printed and
electronic resources easily and quickly.
I hope that you will find this website useful; please do let
me have your feedback on this and on the new online book recommendation form.